Saturday, November 3, 2012

It has been too long

I am a terrible blogger. It has literally been more than a year since I last posted. Such is life. I'm not going to attempt to make up for the lost time. Instead I'm just going to post whenever I feel like. So here I go again.

I’m teaching dance again. I didn't realize how much I missed it.  I’m primarily teaching beginners, which I haven’t done for years. Nearly all of my students are under the age of 12. Also, I don’t teach in a studio. I teach in the back room of various Irish pubs. I actually don’t mind it, except when we have to maneuver around pool tables. It has become an exercise in patience for me. Below is a list of things I find myself repeating constantly to my students literally every time I teach.

“Stop talking.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Stand up.”
“Don’t touch her.”
“I don’t care who hit who first.”
“Pull your shirt down.”
“Don’t stand on your head.”
“Stop touching the pool table.”
“Why are you talking?”
“You can go to the bathroom after she gets back.”
“You’re fourth in line for the bathroom.”
“How did you manage to trap yourself in the bathroom?”
“I’m sorry you’re bored.”
“Maybe if you paid attention and did it correctly, you wouldn’t be bored.”
“I don’t care.”
“Please stop hugging her and dance.”
“OK you all need to stop trying to hug me and get in line.”
“How did you end up on the floor? You weren’t even moving.”
“Your other right foot.”

I might take up kickboxing for anger management. Hehe. Those of you who have witnessed my teaching before know my tone of voice while teaching. I think it will do these kids good to not be spoken to in the ‘baby voice’ that they are used to. I don’t have time for that sort of thing. Every day as I leave class and think back through all the things I have to say to these kids to get them to listen I can’t help but laugh. These dancers keep life interesting for me.

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